
What is the Caveman diet?

What is it? The Caveman diet also known as the Paleo diet is designed off what is believed to be what human hunter-gatherer ancestors ate, thousands of years ago. The Paleo diet is typically based off foods that were believed to be obtained by hunting and gathering, like lean meats, fish, fruit, vegetables and nuts and seeds.    Vaaseenaa (2017) Purpose The aim of this diet is to return to a way of eating that is more like what early humans ate. The diet’s reasoning is that the human body is genetically mismatched to the modern diet that emerged with farming practices. Pitt (2016), outlines in his text how farming changed what people ate and established dairy, grains and legumes as additional staples in the human diet. This rapid change in diet outpaced the body’s ability to adapt. This mismatch is believed to be a contributing factor to the prevalence of obesity, diabetes and heart disease today (Pitt, 2016).  Proven benefits of the Paleo diet According to Lindeberg

Analysis of Paleo diet in regards to the Australian Dietary Guidelines

Analysis The Paleo diet in relation to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, does not meet the daily required intake of of each food group. The Australian dietary guidelines recommends consuming a wide variety of foods from the five food groups: Vegetables, Fruit, Grains, Lean Meats/ Poultry/ eggs/tofu/nuts, Dairy products (Milk, yoghurt, cheese etc) and plenty of water. Where as the Paleo diet allows for consumption of Vegetables, Fruit, Lean Meats/ Poultry/ Fish/ Eggs/ Tofu/ Nuts and water. It prohibits consumption of all cereals/grains, all legumes and all diary products. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines the recommended serving requirements each day of grains is 5-6 servings and for dairy is 2.5 serves. (2017) Furthermore, the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommendations are based on scientific evidence developed from quality research ( , 2020). (2020) states that by following the recommended guidelines,